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24-7 Prayer International 

24-7 ibiza

24-7 Ibiza exists to care for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the community.

Rooted in the values of Prayer, Mission and Justice we seek to make Jesus known in Ibiza.

What we do

San Antonio Centre

We have a centre based right in the heart of the West End. Call in and say hello. 

Opening Times

Monday: 10.30am - 12pm.
(These hours will change for our summer season beginning in May)

Our food and clothes bank is available every week for anyone that needs. 

Our volunteers are on hand if you need some help, support, a listening ear, some prayer or any other assistance. The centre is a place for community and provision for your needs - if we can do anything to help, we will.

What we do

Ibiza Town

In Ibiza Town the main emphasis is on 2 distinct but connected themes.  

Based on prayer for and with the local Roma Gypsy community, friendships have been made and we share the experience of God transforming lives. There are now regular Christian meetings and Roma-led expressions of worship.

Alongside this, and birthed from this original focus, is a work in offering support to the local homeless community. This has taken different guises – both practical and emotional – from building friendship, giving and washing clothes, offering showers and cooking food.  

What we do

Prison visiting

There is a small prison here in Ibiza and each week 24-7 are able to visit the inmates to offer support.

Although the prison itself is well run and resourced, the system here can be quite time consuming and confusing for someone who has been arrested and awaiting trial. It often takes a minimum of 6 months for a case to come before a court for any sentences over 2 years and during this time it can be very isolating being in prison in a foreign country.

Each week we visit the prison to be a listening ear and also practical support. Sometimes people have been arrested and their belongings are still in a hotel or apartment. We can assist by collecting these belongings and taking certain items into the prison. We can be a contact for family back home in the UK and also liaise with the British consulate if needed.

If you know someone who is in prison and you need some assistance then please email us at


Summer season

Find out more about what we do over the summer season

Night time assistance

We are available to help anyone in need around the West end area of San Antonio, Monday - Friday from 23:30 - 04:00.

Community Centre

Our centre on the West end of San Antonio will be open Tuesdays and Fridays 5pm-7pm in the summer months. 

Drop in for coffee, chat and to chill out.

Listening space

We're here to offer a listening ear. Find out more about talking to one of our team.  


Each year we host individuals who join us throughout the summer as we serve the local community and the holiday makers in Ibiza.


As an organisation we are completely dependent on the generosity of others to provide for us to continue our work here. Every person who comes on team, both resident and visitors, raises their own personal support, so your money will go directly to our work on the ground.


General Prim 1, San Antonio, Ibiza, 07820

+34 681 084 203